IT technologies are probably your business’s greatest work tool, investment and growth enabler, but when was the last time you took a proper look at your IT infrastructure… all of it?
Whether you have a few members of staff or a few hundred, IT and digital technologies are key to effective business operations and service delivery, so it needs to be secure, efficient and working at maximum capacity to deliver maximum results.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common IT issues for business and how you can ‘beef up’ your IT to overcome them.
Old(er) Hardware and Software
Issue: Older technologies can present a number of issues, from crashing, slow networking and working, along with capability restrictions and security holes. They can also lead to issues with compatibility when integrating new technologies. Older versions of software can lead to security vulnerabilities, as well as not having access to full functionality.
Beef IT up: Regular hardware and software maintenance and health checks ensure everything is operating at maximum efficiency and security. Patch management ensures that all software updates are implemented so there are no security issues.
Employee Awareness of Security
Issue: It is estimated that 90% of cyber attacks are down to human error, from clicking on malicious links, to using corrupt USB sticks, a simple mistake can create a massive issue for a business. It is not enough to have security measures in place and a few people informed of cyber risks, everyone in an organisation needs to have awareness of what the latest threats are and what to do if a breach occurs.
Beef IT up: Firstly, make sure you have a culture of openness, not blame. People won’t own up to mistakes or concerns if they feel they will be vilified for it. You want people to let you know straight away, otherwise it may be too late. Secondly, set up regular (expert) cyber security training for all employees, along with ongoing update bulletins as cyber threats are ever-evolving (and at the rate of knots!).
Staying Ahead of Malware and Hackers
Issue: Cyber threats are evolving at an incredible rate — and simple data backup and cybersecurity tools are no longer enough to contain them.
Beef IT up: By implementing remote monitoring services and AI-antivirus solutions, you can continuously safeguard data, applications and systems from the latest threats. Proactive alert systems identify and deal with issues before they become a problem, alongside implementing patch updates for software to close security gaps.
Undefined Storage Structure
Issue: Employees need to save files and documents, so where do they save them? In a secure shared system, in their own computer folder structure or on their desktop? Undefined storage structures present risks of lost data, security and storage space overload. Who has access to these files - can the right people (and only the right people) access these files?
Beef IT up: A secure, Cloud-based storage system and training for employees on what to save and where, will overcome issues of security, access and storage space. Implementing an access control system also ensures only the right people have access to certain folders and documents.
Data Loss
Issue: Data isn’t just another resource, it’s integral to your daily operations and it can be lost in so many ways, from power outages to cyber attacks, as well as equipment malfunction and human error. Don’t risk any data loss as it will impact your business financially and operationally.
Beef IT up: There are several solutions that can be implemented to protect your data, including secure Cloud storage/backups, business continuity and disaster recovery plans, alongside some simpler solutions of regular password changes and multiple authentication processes.
Getting Remote Working Right
Issue: With more and more people working remotely, issues of access and security are on the rise. This means you need to ensure secure, but flexible, remote working practices. Can everyone in your business collaborate remotely and securely if needed?
Beef IT up: Cloud systems and services enable employees to work with the content they need, no matter where they are, no matter what device they use. With complete file-sharing transparency and access control measures, compliance needs are met and data is secure.
Out and About with Mobile Devices
Issue: With so much remote working happening, how well do you monitor mobile devices used by your employees? Do you know how secure they are (and how secure your data is), especially when using public networks?
Beef IT up: A mobile device action plan will ensure all devices are password protected, data is encrypted and security apps are installed.
Becoming Unplugged
Issue: May seem insignificant, but you think about how many things are plugged in around the office and how cables there are connecting devices. What if they are unplugged – how do you know which ones go where? So often, workstations go down just as a result of a network point being unplugged, but this impacts a lot of people when they can’t get on with their work.
Beef IT up: Where you can’t go wireless, implement cable management (Proper cable management is a legal requirement for businesses in the UK under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, and other regulations).
So are you going to beef IT up?
Make sure that your business IT infrastructure is secure and efficient, boosting productivity and streamlining tasks. Talk to your IT provider today.
More information and solutions can be found at
Topics: secure backup, data storage, data recovery, managed service, data protection, cyber security, cloud computing, patch management, IT inventory management, compliance reporting, cable management, wireless solutions, password management, maintenance, IT health checks
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